Ninja Turtle Mini Combo

Ninja Turtle Mini Combo

    • Actual Size: 13' L x 13' W x 13' H
    • Setup Area: 20' L x 20' W x 18' H
    • Outlets: One 15/20 amps outlet not farther than 60 ' from where the castle is placed
    • Age Group: Is recommended for kids and adults weighing no more than 180 pounds in groups of similar weight and height on the jumping area and ONE on the slide at the time
    • Attendants: One attendant required

    • $170.00
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The Ninja Turtles 🐢 minicombo is a great option either because there's no room for a bigger unit or just because the kids are mostly toddlers, as you can see is the same plain jumping and slide combo but we'll attach the Ninja Turtles images on the front walls so it can fit with your theme 😉 😀